
Subscriptions and Program for 2023-24

Stanthorpe Field Naturalist Club Subscriptions and Program for 2023/24.

 Subscriptions are due for the next 12 months from the end of June,

Subscriptions for 2023-2024 : Family $30.00 – Single $20.00

Please complete your correct name and address details below and bring or send to the Treasurer

Name (including preferred title please) 


Email address:-


Payment made $


Underline payment method please:         CASH                     CHEQUE              DIRECT DEBIT


If paying by cash at a meeting please put your money in an envelope with your name on the outside to make it easier for the Treasurer.



  1. By Direct Debit to Stanthorpe Field Naturalist Club Inc. BSB 064-431 Acc. 00902063
  2. Present with your subs. to the meeting in an envelope with your name on the outside.
  3. Post to: Stanthorpe Field Naturalist Club Inc, PO Box 154, STANTHORPE Q 4380.


The monthly newsletter is distributed electronically by email  and also posted on the website in the Nats magazine folder.