Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives


1.  To study all branches of Natural History
2.  Preservation of the Flora and Fauna of Queensland
3.  Encouragement of a spirit of protection towards native birds, animals and plants
4.  To assist where possible in scientific research
5. To publish a monthly newsletter and send it to members

The club conducts a regular program of monthly outings from February to November. The outings visit natural areas on the Southern Downs and northern New South Wales such as national parks and state forests as well as areas of private land. Several weekend campouts are also conducted during the year, often to more distant places of interest. The club also has been conducting a monthly program of short outings to local areas of natural history interest, usually on a Saturday. As well as providing for interesting and enjoyable recreational activities, these outings are used to record the flora and fauna of the areas we visit and this information is published in our monthly newsletter. The walks are generally suitable for those with a moderate level of fitness but are graded to indicate their length and degree of difficulty. The walks are open to the public as well as members.

Monthly meetings are held in Stanthorpe and after the business is concluded, members and guests present talks about natural areas they have visited in their travels or illustrated discussions on particular groups of plants or animals  or resources for naturalists. Members also bring along to these meetings interesting specimens of the local flora and fauna that they have collected. This enables other members to gain a better knowledge of the natural history of the area through identification and discussion at the meeting.